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Redamancy Miniature Smooth and Longhaired Dachshunds

We breed awesome Dachsies for over 28 years.

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Speaking of Dachsies, we have continued to maintain our position as one of the best homes for Dachshund puppies in South Africa. Our commitment to providing a loving environment for our babies remains unwavering. Our puppies are still born and raised in our home, surrounded by affection, cuddles, and abundant love.

Smooth-haird Dachshunds, Long-haired Dachshunds
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"We don't just breed, we stand

bald behind our brand."

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The Smooth-Haired Dachshund is a bold, courageous dog with a lively personality and nature. The Dachshund still retains the independent and sometimes seemingly obstinate nature of the breed but is also known for being loyal and good-tempered. They are excellent at tracking a scent outdoors, but equally make an affectionate, people-friendly housedog. It should not come as a surprise that the Dachshund is fond of the sound of his own voice, bearing in mind his ancestral purpose!

The Long Haired Dachshund is a bold, courageous dog with a lively personality and nature. Said to be calmer than either the Smooth or the Wire haired varieties, the Long Haired Dachshund still retains the independent and sometimes seemingly obstinate nature of the breed, but is also known for being loyal and good-tempered. They are excellent at tracking a scent outdoors, but equally make an affectionate, people-friendly housedog. It should not come as a surprise that the Dachshund is fond of the sound of his own voice, bearing in mind his ancestral purpose!

Nothing will turn a man’s home into a castle more quickly and effectively than a dachshund.

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